In 2008, David Fish started what became known as the Dividend Champions list. At first, the premise was simple: a list of companies which had consistently increased their dividend every year for 25 or more years. Over the years, its members grew to include the Contenders (10-24 years of growth) and the Challengers (5-9 years of growth). Meanwhile, what started as a simple list evolved into an expansive Excel sheet with voluminous dividend and financial information, turning it into the go-to resource for dividend growth investors. Sadly, David Fish passed away in 2018, but his work lives on. The Dividend Champions list continues to be maintained and updated by Justin Law. The Dividend Kings is proud to continue David Fish’s legacy by hosting this free and valuable resource for the dividend growth community.
A Master List For Your Dividend Growth
All the basic financial data you need to find ideas and make quick assessments
Standard metrics for evaluating most companies
Over 20 years of historical dividend data
Gain insights from the past with over two decades of dividend history
Play with data to your heart’s content
All the data, in an easy to use Excel workbook, so you can add, multiply, and VLOOKUP() whatever you want.
Pre-filtered lists to quickly find what you’re looking for
The CCC universe is pre-filtered by dividend growth streaks into the Challengers (5-9 years), Contenders (10-24 years) and Champions (25+ years)
Detailed log recording changes to the list
o Screeners can help you find current companies of interest, but good luck trying to find out what happened to a former dividend growth company! With a detailed changelog you can find out when and why a company was removed from the list.
Statistical analysis to help you do quick comparisons
Averages for every metric across the Dividend Champions universe help you quickly compare companies to dividend growth peers by sector and categorization
Special metrics to help you gain unique perspectives and valuable insights
Tweed Factor? Chowder Number? Graham valuation? Recessions survived? Special metrics help you look through the data in a different way and help you gain insights that basic financial data can’t provide
"Thank you for providing this information to all of us. You are a credit to dividend investors everywhere!"
"Your generous time and diligence is much appreciated.... David Fish could not have imagined a more perfect person to continue his work...and you've expanded it beautifully."